Search Results for: data

Seagrass Mapping and Monitoring

…User’s Guide Data Loxahatchee River Bimonthly Seagrass Monitoring Dataset: 2003-2023 (2.0MB, Excel) Landscape-Scale Monitoring Dataset – 9 meter quadrat sampling throughout the estuary, 2007, 2010, 2018, 2022 (1.0MB, Excel) Reports…

Oyster – Restoration and Monitoring

…Estuary Oyster Locations and Mapping (2003) Data Loxahatchee River Oyster Spat Density: 2024 Oyster Recruitment Residential Docks Restoration Sites Loxahatchee River Oyster Spat Settlement Density Maps & Mapping Data Sample…

WildPine Ecological Laboratory

…The WildPine Lab also houses an extensive library of past and present data and reports pertaining to the river collected by various agencies over the last thirty years. The WildPine…

Internship Opportunities

…will focus on special projects including field work and data entry into the District’s Global Information System (GIS) Map and Asset Management software (EAM).  The work will include evaluation of…

Dental Amalgam Program

…report. Additional data obtained from page 27163 of the 2017 Federal Register for “Effluent Limitations Guidelines and Standards for Dental Category” also states that if a dentist office removes 9…

Industrial Pretreatment Program

…collected and properly disposed of offsite until the facility can provide official supporting lab data that the waste stream was sampled and no pollutant exceeds the local limits listed in…

Water Quality

…Further down this page we present additional results in map and tabular format. For more results, reports and data visualization and exploration tools, please visit the District’s RiverKeeper web page….

Algae Monitoring

…to enumerated Harmful Algal Bloom (HAB) species. Click here to download 2018 Red Tide Sample Data For additional information, please see: Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP)’s Algal Bloom Dashboard…


data named NEXRAD. Below is a map of the rainfall across the watershed, compare rainfall maps between two time periods, view tabular summaries of rainfall totals, and rainfall totals over…

Loxahatchee River Management Coordinating Council

…26, 2023 September TBA, 2023 Relevant Links Loxahatchee River District’s Minimum Flow and Level Data Visualization Loxahatchee River District’s Water Quality Scorecard South Florida Water Management District Real-time Flow at…