These projects are currently in progress.
Indian Hills Drive Low Pressure
A Notice of Intent to Assess and Pending Lien Notice have been filed June 2024 in the Public Records to advise any property transactions that sewering, which will include an Assessment, is proposed for these properties.
Property owners have received a request for easements for installation of the sewer system.
2966 Jamaica Drive
A Provision of Sanitary Sewer Service via Statutory Way of Necessity – Florida Statute. 704.0l.(2) allows homeowners on private roads to request sewers to serve their property.
The property owner is addressing septic tank abandonment.
SE Island Way
A Provision of Sanitary Sewer Service via Statutory Way of Necessity – Florida Statute. 704.0l.(2) allows homeowners on private roads to request sewers to serve their property.
All affected property owners have received a notification September 2021 regarding the Statutory Way of Necessity providing installation of a sewer system.
Construction complete, pending Final Assessment.
109 Old Jupiter Beach Road
A Provision of Sanitary Sewer Service via Statutory Way of Necessity – Florida Statute. 704.0l.(2) allows homeowners on private roads to request sewers to serve their property.
All affected property owners have received a notification September 2021 regarding the Statutory Way of Necessity providing installation of a sewer system.
Under Construction
19485 Harbor Road S. Low Pressure
A Provision of Sanitary Sewer Service via Statutory Way of Necessity – Florida Statute. 704.0l.(2) allows homeowners on private roads to request sewers to serve their property.
All affected property owners have received a notification May 2023 regarding the Statutory Way of Necessity providing installation of a sewer system.
Under Construction
18030 69th Terrace N.
A provision of sanitary sewer service via developer project allows property owners to request sewers to serve their property.
The property owner is addressing comments provided on their construction plan.
US Coast Guard Station (Offices, PX and Residences)
Under Construction.
Jonathan’s Landing Guard House
Proposed Upgrades will include sewering.
Under Construction
Peninsular Road Low Pressure
This neighborhood consists of four remaining houses on a peninsula into the Loxahatchee River south of Riverside Drive. The District Governing Board has approved a Notice of Intent to Assess which has been filed in the public records.
A Low Pressure sewer line has been extended to vacant properties on Peninsular Road.
SE Rivers Edge St. Low Pressure
A Notice of Intent to Assess was filed in March, 2014. The road is privately owned and maintained. This is not a lien on the property, it is only a notice to parties of any future land transaction of the proposed sewering.
Property owners have received a request for easements to the private road for installation of the sewer system. The request for easements under the current program is offered for a limited time only.